Strategic Defense

cybersecurity developer thinking about technology solutionsnking about how to

Should I buy an EDR, PAM, or DLP? How do I know?

The information security space is awash in point technology solutions. If you’ve been to the RSA conference (when we ventured out to such places, pre-pandemic), you know how dense and vast the vendor exhibit halls can seem – it’s hard to know what Company A does, and how it’s different than Companies B thru ZZZ.

Cybersecurity football playbook image with Xs and Os on a binary code background

On Offense Informed Defense: Why do we buy the things we buy? (Part 1)

Ask any experienced offensive tester about the latest whiz-bang infosec tool, and you’ll get a predictably skeptical response.  Sometimes skeptical would be putting it mildly.  You’ll hear impassioned arguments like “Would you know if you’re being sprayed? Are you sure? Are you really sure? How do you know?”