The Scientific CISO

Adding Science to the Art of Information Security

The Scientific CISO
Cybersecurity football playbook image with Xs and Os on a binary code background

On Offense Informed Defense: Why do we buy the things we buy? (Part 1)

Ask any experienced offensive tester about the latest whiz-bang infosec tool, and you’ll get a predictably skeptical response.  Sometimes skeptical would be putting it mildly.  You’ll hear impassioned arguments like “Would you know if you’re being sprayed? Are you sure? Are you really sure? How do you know?”

Businessman using touchscreen to open a secure folder

The Massive Equifax Breach May Reduce the Strength of “Out of Wallet” Authentication Techniques

Equifax announced a breach potentially impacting 143 million U.S. consumers. My initial concern beyond potential “routine” identity fraud is the erosion of identity proofing techniques based on “out of wallet” (OOW) questions.

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